We invite you not to hesitate and become our business clients.
Our equipment representatives, dealers, wholesale customers-resellers are consulted on the following issues:
1. Do you want to start selling our products? Get in touch!
2. If you are a seller, we can help you choose the most suitable product. Consultation in choosing goods;
3. If you are a seller, we can help you with the acceptance and delivery of individual orders. The possibility of ordering larger quantities of goods, accepting orders for individual goods with modifications, ordering goods according to a separate agreement. Transportation of out-of-stock/sold-out goods by separate agreement;
4. You have an electronic store and you want to import our assortment into your store, you can find more about the possibilities by clicking here "XML and CSV for importers of goods"
5. Interested in Dropshipping service? Get in touch!
The installers/installers of our equipment are consulted on the following issues:
1. Do you want to start assembling/installing telephone locks produced by us or other equipment presented in our assortment? Get in touch!
2. If you are an installer/installer of telephone locks, access control, security systems, we can advise you on assembling goods according to your individual needs;
3. If you are an installer/installer of telephone locks, access control, security systems, we can advise you on how to correctly route the cables so that the system works correctly according to your chosen solution or your customer's needs;
Feel free to contact us in the following ways:
• call the specified contacts |
• write to "live chat" |
• send e-mail a letter |
Our team is ready to help you during work:
I-IV 8:00 - 17:00
V 8:00 - 16:00
We will offer the best solution for every customer
If you are searching best supplier for your business, please contact us by e-mail for wholesale.