I want to return/exchange the product?
If you bought the product in a physical store, please inform us by e-mail. via vilnius@digitalas.lt. In the application, indicate the "order number of the product return/exchange", in the letter indicate the reasons for which you want to return/exchange the product.
Read more about the rules for returning goods here>>
If you bought the product by e-mail in the digitalas.lt store, goods are returned after canceling the remote sales contract. The procedure for withdrawing from a distance purchase-sale contract is discussed in more detail in the Electronic Commerce Rules here>>
How can I return/exchange an item?
The Buyer can return the Goods by delivering them to the Seller's collection centers or returning them via couriers.
How long can it take to return a product without defects?
Many of our items come with a money back guarantee. If you decide to return the purchased item without any reason, you can do so within 14 days.
Registrations are accepted on working days:
Monday-Thursday 8:00-17:00
Friday 8:00-16:00
Rules for returning goods:
1. The return guarantee (hereinafter the Guarantee) is valid when purchasing goods in all DIGITALas stores.
2. It is possible to return a product that is unused, functional and fully equipped, in its original packaging, together with the original purchase documents (purchase receipt) that show the date of purchase, the name of the product and the payment amount, and the Request (see point 4).
3. You can return the goods within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of purchase.
4. The buyer must, together with the returned product, submit a Request , which indicates: buyer's name, bank account number, Credit account no. or Order no. and the reason for the return.
5. The account owner must be the same as the buyer.
6. The money is transferred to the buyer within 14 (fourteen) days of the return of the goods by bank transfer to the specified account or the return is made in cash on the spot.
7. The amount of money specified in the purchase documents of the product is returned.
8. Goods can be returned only by natural persons, the additional guarantee does not apply to legal persons.
9. Partners who purchase a product for resale are not subject to these rules.
10. Money is not returned if the returned product is missing its original packaging, components (not complete, e.g. no charger, cables, tips, etc.), it is mechanically damaged, does not work at all or partially or is otherwise damaged, its consumables are lost properties, lost its commercial appearance.
11. Returning the product is possible only after fulfilling all the above terms and conditions.
12. Goods purchased by e-mail in the digitalas.lt store, can be returned in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Rules of Electronic Commerce upon cancellation of the remote sales contract .
13. The Buyer can return the Goods by delivering them to the Seller's collection centers, returning them via couriers. The goods must be returned to the Seller to the address specified in the confirmation of receipt of the contract cancellation notice sent by the Seller to the Buyer. The procedure and conditions for the delivery of heavy goods (to assess the quality of the goods, change, repair or return them) to the Seller shall be agreed separately by the Buyer and the Seller by phone or e-mail. by e-mail vilnius@digitalas.lt or the Buyer delivers them himself to the Vilnius Goods collection center.
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